
Birthday Preparations

Their birthday…I need to write about this but I honestly have no idea where to start. Theoretically my children turning one and two should be the happiest of occasions. That still is the case of course, in some ways. But a year ago on the birth of my youngest daughter I nearly died. And so did she. I woke up on my daughters first...

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Nursery – Tips for Finding Your Perfect Match

Any child starting nursery or school for the first time is daunting for any parent. Making the decision to put Poppy into nursery was hard but we knew it was necessary. Some people may think being nearly two is too young but early intervention is definitely best in our opinion. Poppy struggles socially with other children and adults even those she’s familiar with. Putting...

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Our Neonatal Journey With Holly

This part two of Holly’s birth and neonatal stay. The first part is “My Baby Was Born to Save Me” which will be linked below. If you haven’t read part one this post won’t make much sense. This post is only in two sections as it was hard for me to write the whole thing in one go and I really do try and...

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My Baby Was Born To Save Me

There are 364 days between my eldest Poppy and my youngest Holly. I’ve not talked a great deal about Holly so far on here. In all honesty, it is still a hard subject for me to even think about. Nevermind sharing how my youngest baby was brought into the world. But I find sharing very therapeutic so here goes. 28th September 2018 – The...

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5 Tips On Communication

We started our speech and language journey with Poppy a few months ago. Two months isn’t a long time at all but only a few weeks after her initial assessment we saw some slight improvements and then it plateaued. It was concerning but after a review with her therapist we were reassured that she is heading in the right direction. So for those of...

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A Trip to the Zoo

There’s nothing like taking your child somewhere that theoretically should be enjoyable. I mean what child doesn’t enjoy looking at animals? My child. Now it’s not that she wouldn’t or didn’t have a nice time. But it wasn’t the conventional time you would expect to have as a parent. it wasn’t the experience I’d hoped for when she was born. But we knew so little...

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What Communication?

I was always very aware during my pregnancy with Poppy that she may not be born healthy. This wasn’t anything to do with my pregnancy but I just knew it was smart to not expect her to be born and have no issues. I had seven weeks of being her mum before the mum I had started to become changed forever. Now if this...

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Why This All Began

This first post is what lead me to set up this blog. I spent my evening trying to understand this anger I had felt inside me for many months. And suddenly it hit me why like it was the most obvious reason I could have thought of. It felt like the best place to start, it may not be well written but I have...

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