raising children

5 Tips On Communication

We started our speech and language journey with Poppy a few months ago. Two months isn’t a long time at all but only a few weeks after her initial assessment we saw some slight improvements and then it plateaued. It was concerning but after a review with her therapist we were reassured that she is heading in the right direction. So for those of...

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Marriage After Trauma – How We Coped

When I talk about my relationship I always use the term “the things we’ve been through should have broken us” but it didn’t. Having two pregnancies that included bleeds and a rare pregnancy condition, a stroke diagnosis in a newborn, two brain surgeries in three months, an emergency c-section that resulted in me losing 4 litres of blood and our babies heart-stopping and a...

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A Trip to the Zoo

There’s nothing like taking your child somewhere that theoretically should be enjoyable. I mean what child doesn’t enjoy looking at animals? My child. Now it’s not that she wouldn’t or didn’t have a nice time. But it wasn’t the conventional time you would expect to have as a parent. it wasn’t the experience I’d hoped for when she was born. But we knew so little...

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